You can help keep Western Australia free of pest animals


Quite apart from their economic and environmental impacts, the sheer nuisance value that certain pest animals can create for people - even in the shelter of our own backyards - is reason enough to want to keep them out of Western Australia. Currently our State is free from numerous pest animals that, interstate or overseas, damage crops, spread exotic diseases, endanger the survival of native animals and disturb habitats. You can help in maintaining this freedom, by being on the lookout for the animals featured on the following pages. As yet, they are either absent from Western Australia or confined to small areas. If they were to become widely established, our agricultural industry, natural habitats and possibly even our lifestyles and health would be seriously affected. Over the years, animals that could threaten Western Australia in such ways have frequently entered the State, accidentally via ships, boats and vehicles or deliberately via illegal importation. However, most of these invasions were successfully eradicated or contained, primarily because they were detected soon after the animals arrived.

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