Identifying groundwater - dependent wetlands of the Broome Sandstone aquifer in the La Grange groundwater area


This report identifies wetlands that are likely to be dependent on the Broome Sandstone aquifer within the La Grange groundwater allocation area. The Broome Sandstone aquifer is the dominant groundwater resource in the area. With potential agricultural growth of this area, it is necessary to understand, monitor and manage the aquifer and its dependent wetlands. This report describes how we created a watertable surface that was used to identify wetlands and to determine which of the previously mapped wetlands are likely to be sourced from the Broome Sandstone aquifer. A watertable surface was created from 148 points taken from bore data. The accuracy of this watertable surface was validated with drilling data. The results of the drilling show a strong correlation with the modelled surface, which in turn was able to identify 43 groundwater-dependent wetlands (some of which were previously unmapped) and validate 85 previously mapped wetlands as also being groundwater-dependent

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