North Stirling Land Conservation District - soils manual


The North Stirling Land Conservation District is located between Katanning and Albany on the northern edge of the Stirling Ranges in south-western Western Australia.It includes parts of the Shires of Cranbrook and Tambellup, covering approximately 100,000ha of the catchment of the North Stirling basin. The basin is a flat area formed on Eocene sediments with poorly defined drainage lines and many salt lakes. It is surrounded by low granite and sandstone hills. The climate is Mediterranean, with cool wet winters and hot dry summers. Average annual rainfall ranges from 375-500 mm per annum. There is very little surface or underground water flow through the basin and the area is subject to waterlogging and salinity owing to the rising water-tables following the clearing of native vegetation (Lewis1992). The Land Conservation District was formed in 1985 following concern about the rapid decline in productivity resulting from this salinity and waterlogging. There are about 80 landholders in the district, mostly involved in wool, barley, oat and lupin production.This manual has been produced to help you identify and map the soils on your farm. The manual has been compiled for the North Stirling Land Conservation District (L.C.D.) and a list of its members is included in Appendix 1. As well as assisting you to identify soil types, the manual encourages everyone within the L.C.D. to use the same terms so that individual soil maps can be compared

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