Cockatoo Sands in the Victoria Highway and Carlton Hill areas, East Kimberley: hydrogeology, aquifer properties and groundwater chemistry


Cockatoo Sands are recognised as potentially suitable for irrigated agriculture because they are generally well drained and not subject to waterlogging or inundation. These characteristics allow them to be cultivated and prepared for planting various crops during the wet and dry seasons of northern Australia. Expanding agricultural production onto the Cockatoo Sands around Kununurra will increase opportunities for agriculture by increasing the overall scale of agriculture, allowing year-round agricultural enterprise, new crops and new market opportunities. DAFWA has assessed the soil characteristics and agriculturally suitable areas of Cockatoo Sands in the Victoria Highway and Carlton Hill areas near Kununurra. Potential development areas (PDAs) comprising 6538 hectares (ha) at Victoria Highway and 2571ha at Carlton Hill were identified. DAFWA has also assessed the baseline surface water characteristics of run-off from catchments that contain the PDAs. This report describes the methodology, data and analyses used to derive the baseline hydrogeological conditions and physicochemical groundwater conditions that underlie the Victoria Highway and Carlton Hill PDAs

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