

摂食機能が低下した人だけでなく、一般の人も充分おいしく食べることができるユニバーサルフードを目指して、それらに適した魚・肉・野菜料理を検討した。料理の物性評価と官能検査の結果から以下の事が示された。1)魚や肉を食べやすくし、歯茎でもつぶせる程度の硬さ(5×10^4Pa)にするためには、ミンチ状にしたものを再形成することが望ましい。その際に玉ねぎや豆腐などのつなぎは材料の100%が適量であることが示された。2)加熱により、7-8×10^4Pa程度まで軟化する野菜は、サイズの低下はせずに加熱時間の延長によって食べやすさを増すことが望ましい。3)加熱による軟化が期待できない野菜・きのこ類は、サイズの低下をした上で、通常の料理との組み合わせによって嗜好性を高めることができる。In this research, I wanted to propose a delicious "Universal food" for not only the person who decreased the food intake function but also a general person. The fish, meat, and the vegetable dish were examined in this research. The following things were shown from the physical properties evaluation and the sensory evaluation. (1) When the fish and meat are made minced meat, and they are formed again, the fish and meat are "It is possible to crush also by gums" hardness (5×10^4Pa). In additives such as onions and soybean curds used for the reconstitution, 100% of the material is proper quantities. (2) The vegetable by which even about 7-8×10^4Pa becomes soft because of the heating does not decrease about the size. They are made easy to eat by lengthening the heating time. (3) They are made easy to eat by lengthening the heating time. Additionally, the preference improves by the combination with a usual dish

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