
Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common solid extra-cranial malignancy of childhood and is responsible for approximately 15% of all pediatric cancer deaths. AIM: The purpose of this report is to provide and analyze specific epidemiologic data regarding the frequency, demographics, age and stage of the disease at diagnostic, treatment methods and outcomes of the treatment of NB in Romania over a 3 years period. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this purpose, we inquired the database of the National School of Public Health, Management and Professional Development using specific principal diagnosis codes, for NB tumors.RESULTS: 623 cases with NB were reported in Romania in a 3 years period (2007-2009). The sex ratio of M: F 1.1: 1. In the majority of the cases (67%), the tumor origin was the adrenal gland. Only in 31 patients a surgical procedure was recorded. CONCLUSIONS: NB is an aggressive tumor with high incidence in the 1-6 years age group and with equal sex distribution. Currently there is a high rate of hospital admission/ patient with a median hospital stay of 5 days. Only in approximately 10% of the patients, the tumor is resected, meaning a complete cure of the disease. We consider that the current medical system for diagnosis and treatment of NB must be improved and, is our believe the way for this is to concentrate the resources in fewer but more specialized medical centers for diagnosis and treatment of NB. Keywords: neuroblastoma, epidemiology, treatment methods, outcomesNeuroblastomul (NB) este cea mai frecventa tumora maligna extracraniala si este responsabila de aproximativ 15% din decesele survenite prin cancer la copii.  SCOP: scopul acestui raport este sa furnizeze si sa analizeze date epidemiologice cu privire la incidenta, demografie, varsta si stadiul bolii la diagnosticare, metodele de tratament si rezultatele acestuia, pentru o perioada de studiu de 3 ani.  MATERIAL SI METODA: In acest scop am interogat baza de date a  Scolii Nationale de Sanatate Publica, Management si Perfectionare in Domeniul Sanitar Bucuresti, utilizand coduri de diagnostice specifice pentru NB.  REZULTATE: 623 de cazuri cu neuroblastom au fost raportate in Romania intr-o perioada de 3 ani (2007-2009). Raportul sexelor a fost  M: F de  1,1: 1. In majoritatea cazurilor (67%), tumora a avut originea in glanda suprarenala. Doar pentru 31 de pacienti s-a aplicat o procedura chirurgicala.  CONCLUZII:  NB este o tumora agresiva cu incidenta mare in grupul pacientilor in varsta de 1-6 ani, avand distributie egala pe sexe. In prezent exista un nivel inalt al internarilor in spital, cu o durata mediana de spitalizare de 5 zile. Doar la circa 10% din pacienti tumora este rezecata, aceasta reprezentand cura completa a bolii. Consideram ca sistemul curent de diagnostic si tratament al NB trebuie imbunatatit, si noi credem ca acest lucru se poate realiza prin concentrarea resurselor in centre mai putine, dar specializate, in diagnosticul si tratamentul NB.  Cuvinte cheie: neuroblastomul, epidemiologie, metode terapeutice, rezultat

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