C-Reactive Protein And Fibrinogen In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


Introduction. Chronic,low-grade infl ammation is important in the development andprogression of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Indicators of increased infl ammatory activityinclude elevated values of circulating acute phase proteins like C-reactive protein (CRP) andfi brinogen. The aim of the study was to test sex-related differences in CRP and fi brinogenblood levels in T2DM patients.Patients and Methods. The cross-sectional study included 40 T2DM patients, bothsexes (19 males and 21 females), median age 70 (36-90) years. Patients were hospitalizedat the Clinic of Endocrinology, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo. The fasting glucoselevels, glycated haemoglobin, fi brinogen and CRP in the blood of T2DM patients weredetermined by standard laboratory methods. The data were analysed by statistical softwareSPSS 19.Results. The median values of CRP and fi brinogen in blood were not statistically differentbetween female and male T2DM patients, although values had tendency to be higher infemale patients [17.30 mg/L (3.40-61.35) vs. 9.60 mg/L (3.50-28.90); p=0.573]; [5.70 g/L(4.20-6.35) vs. 3.80 g/L (3.60-6.00); p=0.078]. A positive correlation between CRP andfi brinogen was found in samples from female T2DM patients (rho=0.606;p<0.01).Conclusion. Elevated CRP and fi brinogen indicate the presence of infl ammation in T2DMpatients. Female patients had higher values of both infl ammatory markers in blood incomparison to males, but we did not prove statistically signifi cant sex-related differences

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