PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Distribution, Storage and Sale of Gas: Amend the Natural Gas Competition and Deregulation Act ; Provide That a Retail Customer May Change Marketers Once a Year Without Penalty; Limit the Amount of Deposit; Provide for Deposit Refunds; Require Certain Disclosures by the Public Service Commission; Authorize Said Commission to Regulate the Gas Market Under Certain Conditions; Regulate Marketer Billing Practices; Change the Provisions of the Universal Service Fund


The Act amends the Natural Gas Competition and Deregulation Act of 1997 by codifying several consumer protection measures. The Act permits consumers to change marketers once a year without incurring a service fee, and it limits the deposit amount a marketer may charge. The Act sets forth criteria for determining when the gas market is not competitive and when the Public Service Commission may regulate an uncompetitive market. The Act regulates marketer billing practices and requires marketers to publish certain information related to their billing practices. The Act also mandates that the universal service fund be used primarily to assist low-income customers in times of emergency and hardship

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