

Capture history and site covariates, including winter microclimate variables. Variable abbreviations are as follows: ch = capture history; yr = year; spp = species; Ag = Age (0 = HY; 1 = AHY); treeden = density of trees/ha; disttourb = distance to urban center (km); Area = focal patch area (ha); hdd = cumulative degree-days (C); MeanT = Average winter temperature (C); MinT = Average minimum temperature (C); CVT = Coefficient of variation in minimum temperature; Snow = total accumulated snowfall (cm); Ncoldwet = Number of cold (below -18C) and wet (> 1cm snowfall) days; Mi = Body condition index; ISI = Impervious surface (%); Pfor = Percent forest (%); For_ED = Forest Edge Density (m^2); For_ENN = Area-weighted mean Euclidean Nearest Neighbor distance between forest patches in the landscape (m^2); PA = Perimeter:Area ratio of focal forest patch

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