Data on quantitative resistance of wheat to Septoria tritici blotch


Data consists of 10 columns, first row shows column names. Each subsequent row corresponds to data from an individual leaf. Column 1 - leaf index, column 2 - leaf label, column 3 - leaf area in mm2, column 4 - area covered by necrotic tissue in mm2, column 5 - percentage of leaf area covered by lesions (PLACL), column 6 - number of pycnidia on the leaf, column 7 - mean area of pycnidia on the leaf in mm2, column 8 - number of pycnidia per cm2 leaf, column 9 - number of pycnidia per cm2 lesion, column 10 - pycnidia grey value. Leaf label in column 2 uniquely identifies each leaf in the collection. It consists of three parts divided by underscore symbols "_". First part describes the time point of collection ("c1" - collection t1, 25 May 2016; "c3" - collection t2, 4 July, 2016). Second part is the sowing number that uniquely identifies the small wheat plot planted with a specific wheat cultivar. Third part is the index of a leaf within a specific plot. For example, leaf with the label "c1_sn133_7" comes from collection t1, sowing number 133, leaf index 7

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