West Africa Pearl Millet data set


Research was conducted in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger for the Sahel and Sudan Savanna agroecological zones. Trials had similar basic treatment structures for determination of response functions for N, P, and K, and a diagnostic treatment for resposne to Mg, S, Zn and B. Most treatments in Niger were intercroped with cowpea and with 2.5 Mg ha-1 yr-1 manure applied but had additional treatments for determination of the effect of manure and/or intercropping on yield and response. Most treatments in Mali were sole crop pearl millet with added treatments determination of the effect of intercropping on yield and response, all with no manure applied. In Burkina Faso, trials were conducted at Dori in 2014-2015 and all treatments were with pearl millet sole crop with or without 5 Mg ha-1 manure applied in 2014 and evaluating the residual effect of manure in 2015

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