Supplementary Figure S3


Supplementary Figure S3 Heatmap of the number of replicates from phylogenomic subsampling that support each alternative hypothesis for the sister group to emu + cassowary at a minimum bootstrap support of 70% (a-i) and 90% (j-r), with results from each analysis method displayed in separate panels (e.g. MP-EST a-c & j-l, ASTRAL d-f & m-o, ExaML g-I & p-r). Rows labelled H1-H4 within each panel correspond to the four alternative hypotheses outlined in the legend. Columns within each panel labelled 50-3000 indicate the number of loci subsampled at random with replacement from all loci for each marker type. Coloring of cells indicates the number of replicates (of 10 in total for each data set size category) that support each hypothesis at the given bootstrap cut off, corresponding to the colouring scheme outlined in the legend

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