
This is a table of the raw apLCMS-based peak intensity extraction of HRMS results, including blank (Water) and quality control (NIST, QSTD) samples. Total features detected, 11,188. “NIST” refers to the SRM 1950 reference standard. “QSTD” refers to an in-house prepared mixture of human plasma. All samples were injected in triplicate and the results have been median summarized from the triplicates. The first two columns pertain to the detected m/z value at a specific retention time, given in seconds. The remaining columns pertain to blanks, reference standards and samples. These columns are ordered left-to-right in the order of injection. For the samples, “_A” or “_B” designations pertain to shipment batches that took place between Erasmus and Emory. Three samples were ultimately excluded from analysis: one, 25, because of aberrant global sample composition, and two others, 09_A and 15_A, because aliquots were accidentally shipped and processed two independent times because the samples were blinded. For subsequent analyses, we arbitrarily kept 09_B and 15_B samples from the second batch and discarded their “_A” counterparts, as the “_B” versions were believed to have undergone fewer freeze-thaw cycles than “_A” samples. [This file description may also be found in the Supplementary Information of the corresponding publication.

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