Market survey for Södra skogsägarna within Vimmerby management district


This thesis is based on a market survey sent to the passive members of Södra skogsägarna within the scope of practice of Vimmerby. A member of Södra skogsägarna is considered passive if the member not has delivered timber to the association during the past five years. The purpose of this thesis was to obtain as much information as possible about the forest owners, to be able to interpret why the member did not choose to deliver their timber to the association. The survey was worked out in close collaboration with Södra skogsägarna to answer this question. The responses indicate that economic returns are important to the individual landowner. The price of timber is most important in a timber business and the majority of forest owners want to have a personal meeting if you can choose how you wish to be contacted by the inspector. A couple of the questions dealt with why they did not choose to sell their timber to the association. Some of the reasons for that were preserving the local industry, better prices at competitors, good contact with the buyer at another corporation, small acreage or that something has gone wrong during harvesting

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