Video 6. Macrophage burst at the exponential phase of Mm infection.


Double transgenic Tg(mpeg1:EGFP) and Tg(lyz:DsRed2) larvae infected with Mm were imaged alive every ~63 sec from 1 dpi to 2 dpi by CLSM (Nikon A1). Macrophage burst and spreading of Mm (red) are shown, followed by the recruitment of GFP-positive (green) macrophages and DsRed-positive (blue) neutrophils. In the left bottom the macrophages and Mm are visualized separately. In the right bottom only the Mm are visualized, and the burst event at t = 5h is indicated by arrowheads. A neutrophil that phagocytized Mm after the burst event, indicated by an arrow in the upper panel at t= 8, is moving away from the infection site. The maximum intensity projection from 11 CLSM images (step size in z-direction, 5.56 µm) is shown at 10 frames per second. Scale bar: 50 µm

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