Collection of Athermal Phonons into Doped Germanium Thermistors Using Quasiparticle Trapping


We have developed a low‐temperature particle detector that uses a novel quasiparticle trapping mechanism to funnel athermal phonon energy from an 80 mg Ge absorber into a 1.6 mg doped Ge thermistor via a superconducting Al film. We report on pulse height spectra obtained at 320 mK by scanning a 241Am alpha source along the device, and show that up to 20% of the energy deposited in the Ge absorber by a 5.5 MeV alpha particle interaction can be collected into a thermistor via quasiparticle trapping. We show that this device is sensitive to the position of an alpha particle interaction in the Ge absorber for interaction distances of up to 5 mm from a quasiparticle trap

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