Utilité et limites du dosage de l'antigène carcinoembryonnaire (CEA) dans la surveillance postopératoire de malades atteints de carcinomes du côlon et du rectu


An attempt is made to define the usefulness and limitations of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) radioimmunoassay for evaluation of tumor resection and detection of tumor relapse in patients with large-bowel carcinoma. In 45 patients for whom complete tumor resection was reported, all but 5 showed a drop in CEA to normal values after surgery. The 5 patients whose CEA did not fall to below 5 ng/ml showed a subsequent rise in CEA level and later were all found to have a tumor relapse. The results indicate that an incomplete drop in circulating CEA level one month after surgery is a bad prognostic sign. Twenty-two of these patients were followed up by repeated CEA radioimmunoassay for several months after surgery; 8 showed a progressive increase in CEA levels preceding clinical diagnosis of tumor relapse by 2-10 months. The clinical history of these 8 patients is briefly described. The results demonstrate that relapses of colon and rectum carcinoma can be detected by increased CEA levels months before the appearance of any clinical evidence

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