Data files (Matlab worksapces) packed in a ZIP archive - scenarios with pathogens, mutation rate 5*10^-3


Scenarios in which pathogens interact with hosts Data set is packed in a ZIP archive. Names of catalogue in the archive indicate scenario parameters: host population size N and simulated mechanism of partner choice (RM - random mating, h0 - soft assortative mating, h1 - hard assortative mating; see Materials and Methods for details). Each scenario catalogue contains 100 files (Matlab workspaces) with saved variables of each of 100 independent replications. Saved variables: HED_scen – partner choice scenario (random mating HED_scen=NaN, soft assortative mating h0 HED_scen=0, hard assortative mating h1 HED_scen=1) N – host population size off_val_occ – offspring reproductive value at birth in subsequent mating attempts h_mut_rat – host mutation rate bits_num – number of bits in MHC molecule match – number of matching bits necessary for antigen presentation num_pat_spec – number of pathogen species p_mut_rat – pathogen mutation rate pat_gen – number of pathogen generations per one host generation pept_num – number of antigens produced by a pathogen host_n_all – allelic richness across generations host_time – host generation number mat_occ_distr – number of mating pairs in subsequent mating attempts (first row indicate first mating attempt) saved every host generation Compl_all_hist – frequency distribution of MHC alleles saved in last 1400 host generations (host generations 1600-3000). Matrix of allele frequency distribution is saved as Matlab sparse matrix, (type full(Compl_all_hist) to transform Compl_all_hist into trajectories of allele frequency) in_pres_al – decimal labels of MHC alleles in allele frequency history matrix Compl_all_hist mean_pres_pat – mean proportion of presented pathogens SD_pres_pat – standard deviation for the proportion of presented pathogen

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