Context specific affinity thresholds for CD8 T cell activation


After antigen driven activationnaïve CD8 T cells develop intocytolytic effector cells and subsequentlyinto memory cells. The molecularinteractions orchestrating Tcell activation are complex and we sofar have a limited understanding howindividual signals impact the Tcell response.Using OT-1 TCR transgeniccells and Listeria monocytogenesstrains expressing a set of altered peptideligands (APL) for the OT-1 TCRwe have recently studied how thelevel of TCR stimulation impacts theT cell response in vivo. We therebyobserved that even very low levels ofTCR stimulation are sufficient forfunctional effector and memoryT celldifferentiation. In order to addresshow much further the level of TCRstimulation can be reduced until the Tcells do not become activated anymore,we generated additional OT-1APL expressing Listeria strains. TheAPLused in our present study cover arange of potency down to the level ofpositive selection. Using all our APLListeria strains we can demonstratethat the threshold of peripheral T cellactivation is above the level of positiveselection but far below the levelthat is thought to be required for negativeselection. Furthermore, we characterizedthe thresholds of activatingmemory T cells and found them intrinsicallyto be very similar to thoseof naïve T cells. However, we observedthat T cell competition at thelevel of antigen presenting cells criticallyraises the activation threshold ofmemory CD8 T cells. Taken togetherour data indicate that the threshold foractivating T cells critically dependson the context and the environment inwhich T cells respond to antigen

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