How do we teach them all? A needs analysis for a pre-sessional EGAP curricular review


Making EAP course outcomes congruent with post-secondary demands requires a needs analysis, in which a target situation analysis is imperative (Bocanegra-Valle, 2016; Hyland, 2016; Cabinda, 2013; Rosenfeld, Leung, & Oltman, 2001; Upton, 2012). This article details the theoretical considerations for a needs analysis, and reports the quantitative findings of a target situation analysis completed for a pre-sessional EGAP program at a Canadian College. 51 Professors from the college and a university completed questionnaires ranking academic tasks necessary for postsecondary success in all four language skill areas (reading, writing, listening, and speaking). 25 of the 43 language tasks were identified as ‘approaching very important’ and ‘very important’ to academic success at the tertiary level in Canada. The results indicated that major curricular changes were warranted, especially at the two most advanced levels, and examples are explicated

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