Implementing Strategies to Reduce Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections on an Inpatient Pediatric Unit


STRATEGIES TO REDUCE CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BLOODSTREAM INFECTIONS Every central line associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) leads to poor outcomes, increased mortality and increased healthcare costs. A pediatric care team in an academic tertiary medical center set a goal to reduce the number of these infections on their unit. The team’s research showed that daily bathing greatly decreases CLABSI. Their baseline metrics demonstrated an unacceptable level of those with central lines being bathed. A root cause analysis revealed that patient and family refusal was the leading cause for those who did not bathe. A performance improvement plan was initiated that consisted of several KPIs. Post their rollout, a marked increase in the number of patients with central lines receiving baths was realized, as was a decrease in central line associated infections. Next steps include becoming a model for other patient care units and Maine Health associated hospitals

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