Comparing Inter-Examiner Reliability Levels when Diagnosing Male & Female Innominate Dysfunctions Using a Hemi-Pelvise Compression Lateralization Test and Pelvic Landmark Levels.


BACKGROUND: When diagnosing innominate somatic dysfunctions it may be relevant to recognize that structural, functional, and hormonal differences exist between male and female pelvises. The female pelvis is less massive, ilia are less sloped, and female hormones influence ligamentous tension. Despite these differences, few studies have analyzed gender effects on inter-examiner reliability when using palpatory diagnosis to diagnose innominate dysfunctions. In this study, we hypothesized that interexaminer reliability would be higher in male subjects than in female subjects due cyclic variability of hormonal influence of ligamentous tension in the female pelvis. The kappa (κ) statistic was selected to evaluate inter-examiner reliability as it is designed to eliminate agreement by chance. The agreement scale as proposed by Landis and Koch was used in the evaluation if the κ-value

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