The Application of Multiple Intelligences in Two Year 7 Textile Technology Classes


In a teaching and learning environment that embraces innovation, inclusion and effectiveness, it is essential to acknowledge students’ individual learning styles to promote optimum learning. While multiple intelligences (MI) theory considers students’ interest, it has been more often applied in teaching mathematics, science and music subjects. This study applied the theory of MI within two year seven textile technology classes. Data were collected from student group assessments, surveys and daily engagement levels. The results of the study show that groups whose members shared similar MI reported having a more positive experience than groups that were not specifically MI assigned. Further, those groups including different MI sets were observed to be slower to commence an assigned class task, but developed a deeper understanding of class objectives as they encouraged, motivated and worked collaboratively together. Designing intentional teaching styles and explaining tasks for different MI resulted in more students knowing what was expected of them and fewer questions about the tasks

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