Effect of Rhizobium and AM fungi inoculation on soybean


Symbiotic effectivity of two- and tripartite symbiotic agents was investigated in a pot experiment on three soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) cultivars with special regard to compatibility. Host plants were single and co-inoculated with two Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains and two commercial arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) products. Significant differences were found in infectivity and effectivity of the microsymbionts. While infectivity of AMF inocula was very poor, the benefits of AMF treatments were more expressed than that of the rhizobial ones. In case of commercial AMF inoculants we should also check the effect of the ingredients of the explain medium.Keywords: Bradyrhizobium sp., arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, soybean, host compatibility, biomas

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