Peran FKUB Dalam Menyelesaikan Konflik Keagamaan di Jawa Barat


Based on reports from the Wahid Institute which examined the harmony of religious people from year to year, until 2011 data was obtained that there had been an increase in acts of intolerance that were higher than in previous years, most of which occurred in the name of religion against Ahmadis. The Wahid Institute report also found that West Java is the province that has the highest rate of violations from year to year. FKUB as an institution initiated by the Ministry of Religion has a strategic role in resolving religious conflicts. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with anthropological and sociological approaches. The purpose of this study is to make a systematic, factual and accurate description or description of the facts, traits, and relationships between phenomena investigated related to the role of the FKUB in resolving religious conflicts in West Java

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