How Barriers to Using the Electronic Health Record Effects Behavioral Healthcare


The healthcare scene is rapidly changing due to the introduction of the electronic health record (EHR) and advances in technology. This means more patient data is readily available for use and gives physicians and patients’ faster access to that data. With the passing of recent legislature such as the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, resulting in the rapid adoption of electronic health records due to incentive payment programs. With this comes the push for use of the electronic health record to prepare for Meaningful Use and improved quality of patient care. One field however, seems to be behind the times in regards to the use of the electronic health records, and it is the field of behavioral health. The simple reason being that behavioral health has barriers that other health fields do not. The challenge is how behavioral health can overcome these barriers in order to move forward with using the electronic health record

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