Meaningful Use – Is It Worth It?


The world of medicine has long been an ever changing environment. The advancements and progress in both knowledge and techniques has made patient care and treatment an increasingly successful endeavor. Physicians are often eager to embrace any new technology in the medical field that allows them to better care for their patients. The problem with new medical technology is that unless this technology can be shared or related to others, it is somewhat useless. The medical profession has been somewhat reluctant to come to terms with the use of computer technology and its many benefits. Generally embedded in the use of paper records and being untrusting of electronic technology, healthcare professionals were reluctant to adopt or even try this new technology. The concept of Meaningful Use brings all the arguments of Pro’s and Con’s concerning health information technology into perspective. The use of health information technology (HIT) via electronic health records (EHR) to promote the collection, enhancement and sharing of medical health records to advance patient care is inevitable for successful healthcare in the future. This will not be an easy task and there will be many obstacles to overcome. The progression of Meaningful Use, like any other major endeavor will be slow, sometimes relying on a trial and error system and there will be the ever present delays as well as adjustments, upgrades and mistakes. This research will attempt to provide the reader with an accurate viewpoint of both sides of the Meaningful Use program in an effort to deliver a clear concept of whether all this new technology and work is clearly worth all the time, aggravation, confusion and monetary investment of the medical profession to allow cost effective, reliable and successful patient care

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