Reformationen og køn


This article will combine three anniversaries, namely the 500-anniversary of the beginning of Luther’s reformation, the 75-anniversary of the establishment of theology at Aarhus University, and, not least, the 70-anniversary of the admission of women to the ordination in the Evangelical-Lutheran church in Denmark. The article will thus fall in three main parts. The first part will treat Luther’s theology of ministry with regard to gender and the role of women in the church. The next part will highlight what role theology and gender played when women were finally admitted to the ordination. Finally, Regin Prenter’s(the first professor in dogmatics at Aarhus University) theology of ministry pertaining to women will be analysed. The aim is that of showing how later generations of Lutherans were often more conservative than the reformer, introducing arguments against women’s ordination that were irreconcilable with Luther’s theology, particularly in the 20th century

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