
PLN's increasingly large electricity bill causes most PLN customers to be dissatisfied. Some customers areinterested in using electricity-saving devices that are widely marketed in online stores. The electricity saver is marketedwith a promotion that can save electricity power consumption and monthly account bills of 10% to 40%. This researchwas conducted using electricity-saving devices in households with installed power of 450 VA and 900 VA for 6 monthsand made an inductive load simulation circuit paralleled with an electric saver. The results of the analysis of the accountdata show that the electricity saver cannot reduce the electricity account rate. In the simulation circuit shows that theelectric saver cannot reduce the active power consumption of the load but can reduce the reactive power of the load whileimproving the installed power capacity and power factor. Because household electricity account rates are calculatedbased on active power consumption, the electricity saver cannot reduce electricity bill payments

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