Cultural differences between Nursery-Primary and Secondary school teachers in obligations and rights


El trabajo analiza las diferencias culturales entre el profesorado de Infantil-Primaria y Secundaria a la luz de sus deberes y derechos. Han participado 394 docentes de toda España de educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria, elegidos al azar, contestando a un cuestionario enviado por correo postal a los centros seleccionados aleatoriamente. Se utiliza como instrumento el cuestionario “Deberes y derechos del profesorado en la comunidad educativa” y se confirma la hipótesis: existen diferencias culturales docentes significativas que nos permiten establecer distintas subculturas.This paper analyses the cultural differences between nursery-primary and secondary teachers in the light of their obligations and rights. 394 randomly selected nursery, primary and secondary school teachers from all over Spain participated in this study, replying to a questionnaire mailed to randomly selected schools. The tool used was the "Obligations and rights of teachers in the educational community" questionnaire. The results confirmed the hypothesis that significant cultural differences exist between teachers, which allow us to identify various subcultures.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granada

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