Nitrogen Cycle & Photosynthesis


The Chemistry Lesson involves teaching how chemical reactions occur in nature, conservation of mass/matter, examples would include the nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, water cycle, etc. Model exemplifies a simple version of the nitrogen cycle. The Living Environment lesson would involve simple diffusion explanations, cellular processes, photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Model exemplifies diffusion of gases involved in photosynthesis and the photosynthetic process as a whole in a simplified sense. The goal of the Earth Science lesson is to illustrate the molecular interactions in the nitrogen cycle and photosynthesis, and help students understand the molecular interactions of processes that are understood in a general sense. This project addresses the following NYS Standards: Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematic: STANDARD 1 - Analysis, Inquiry, and Design STANDARD 6 - Interconnectedness: Common Themes STANDARD 7 - Interdisciplinary Problem Solving Standards in Chemistry and the Living Environment The primary file is a lesson plan, accompanied by supplemental files. In the supplemental zipped files, you will find: Student worksheets Lesson plan Powerpoint presentation

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