The Effect of Teacher Support on Students from Divorced Families


Statistics reveal divorce as a pervasive and real aspect of modern American society. As a result of the steady divorce rates, the implications for the classroom are far-reaching. While educators cannot resolve the challenge of divorce for students within a given classroom, a concerted effort to assist and understand the educator’s role and influence will better equip teacher’s to best meet the interests of their students. This research project addresses the potential effect of divorce on students. In order for teachers to best serve in a supportive role for their students experiencing the social, emotional, and academic impact of divorce, the project also identifies resources for teachers to assist students through divorce – related situations that may arise within the classroom. As part of the project a Resource Guide was developed. Fifteen colleagues, teaching at the sixth grade level, used the guide for four weeks and assessed its effectiveness with students in their classrooms. Pre- and post-implementation surveys were utilized and results were evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the Resource Guide for those students experiencing divorce and the teachers providing support. The Resource Guide, included in the Appendices section, is a culmination of websites, literature, and strategies that teachers can refer to for assistance

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