End-to-End Scheduling Strategies for Aperiodic Tasks in Middleware


Many mission-critical distributed real-time applicationsmust handle aperiodic tasks with hard end-to-end dead-lines. Existing middleware such as RT-CORBA lacksschedulability analysis and run-time scheduling mecha-nisms that can provide real-time guarantees to aperiodictasks. This paper makes the following contributions to thestate of the art for end-to-end aperiodic scheduling in mid-dleware. First, we compare two approaches to aperiodicscheduling, the deferrable server and the aperiodic utiliza-tion bound, using representative workloads. Numerical re-sults show that the deferrable server analysis is less pes-simistic than the aperiodic utilization bounds when appliedoffline. Second, we propose a practical approach to tuningdeferrable servers for end-to-end tasks. Third, we describedeferrable server mechanisms we have developed for TAO’sfederated event channel. Finally, we present empirical re-sults from a Linux testbed that demonstrate the efficiency ofthose deferrable server mechanisms

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