Maximizing Network Lifetime of Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks under Graph Routing


Process industries are adopting wireless sensor-actuator networks (WSANs) as the communication infrastructure. The dynamics of industrial environments and stringent reliability requirements necessitate high degrees of fault tolerance in routing. WirelessHART is an open industrial standard for WSANs that have seen world-wide deployments. WirelessHART employs graph routing schemes to achieve network reliability through multiple paths. Since many industrial devices operate on batteries in harsh environments where changing batteries are prohibitively labor-intensive, WSANs need to achieve long network lifetime. To meet industrial demand for long-term reliable communication, this paper studies the problem of maximizing network lifetime for WSANs under graph routing. We formulate the network lifetime maximization problem for WirelessHART networks under graph routing. Then, we propose the optimal algorithm and two more efficient algorithms to prolong the network lifetime of WSANs. Experiments in a physical testbed and simulations show our linear programming relaxation and greedy heuristics can improve the network lifetime by up to 50% while preserving the reliability benefits of graph routing

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