A view-based deformation tool-kit, Master\u27s Thesis, August 2006


Camera manipulation is a hard problem since a graphics camera is defined by specifying 11 independent parameters. Manipulating such a high-dimensional space to accomplish specific tasks is difficult and requires a certain amount of expertise. We present an intuitive interface that allows novice users to perform camera operations in terms of the change they want see in the image. In addition to developing a natural means for camera interaction, our system also includes a novel interface for viewing and organizing previously saved views. When exploring complex 3D data-sets a single view is not sufficient. Instead, a composite view built from multiple views may be more useful. While changing a single camera is hard enough, manipulating several cameras in a single scene is still harder. In this thesis, we also present a framework for creating composite views and an interface that allows users to manipulate such views in real-time

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