Decentralized Network Flow Control


In this paper, the problem of finding the decentralized flow control of a BCMP network is investigated. The packets of each of the users correspond to different classes of customers. The servers in the network are exponential and serve packets with FIFO policy. Each network user operates with either a state-dependent arrival rate (i.e. an arrival rate which depends upon the number of the user\u27s packets that have not yet been acknowledged) or a state-dependent arrival rate (which the user chooses). The decentralized flow control problem is formulated udder two optimization criteria. Under the first optimization criterion, the decentralized flow control corresponding to each of the network users maximizes the throughput of the network, under the constraint that the expected time delay of the packets in the network does not exceed a preassigned upper bound. Under the second optimization criterion, the decentralized flow control corresponding to each of the network users maximizes the throughput of the network, under the constraint that the expected time delay of each particular class of packets does not exceed a preassigned (user dependent) upper bound. In this paper all the previous classes of problems are handled uniformly, using efficient nonlinear optimization techniques

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