Defiant Objects: Non-standard research outputs in Institutional Repositories


The Defiant Objects project was an 18-month Sherpa-LEAP research project, looking at depositing non-standard or difficult research outputs (which we have termed 'defiant objects') into institutional repositories. Headed by Tahani Nadim (Goldsmiths) with research assistance from Rebecca Randall (Goldsmiths). It followed on from work carried out by the LEAP Media Working Group into depositing multi media work into repositories. Defiant Objects addresses a number of issues that have arisen in conjunction with the increase in non-text-based, non-standard or otherwise difficult deposits in repositories: deciding what exactly to upload, the relationship between a work and it's surrogate, choice of appropriate item type, metadata or controlled terminology, and completing item records in such a way as to be clear and comprehensible to end users of the repository. Outputs from this project include a deposit guide poster and leaflet, a project report, a blog and twitter feed and will also include a conference poster for Open Repositories 2013 in Canada

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