Being the leader in urban ecological solutionsfor the 21st century, the city of Hamburg has been perceivedas a world-class centre for innovation. Recent developmentsin technology and urban landscape design represent a changeof spatial thinking and action that can be admiredat Internationale Bauausstellung (International BuildingExhibition) IBA Hamburg 2006-2013 and InternationaleGartenschau (International Garden Show) IGS Hamburg 2013.This part of Hamburg is currently making an attempt to createa harmonious landscape, which is to improve the quality of lifein the urban environment. As a result of these activities,a neglected urban space is being transformed in a sustainablemanner, making it both man and environmentally friendly.The study of landscape formation comprises a plurality of waysand methods. This has become particularly significant today,when the latest technologies and concepts on landscaping can beused to create an urban space. The article presentsthe possibilities of creating landscape in a variety of forms (suchas energy landscape, water landscape, green landscape), beinga good starting point for further research in this topic.In situ analysis of the landscape of the city of Hamburg at IBAand IGS presents aspects of sustainable technologies, urban spaceand landscape from different perspectives. The new wayof landscaping can be used in the practice of urban design.The use of landscape in various forms provides onewith the choice of different technical solutions, gives a numberof architectural and spatial planning opportunitiesfor the creation of cities