
Ionisation Cooling Lattices for the Neutrino Factory


The future accelerator complex of the Neutrino Factory will have an excellent precision and outstanding discovery reach, and is therefore a facility of choice for precise neutrino oscillation measurements. In the Neutrino Factory, muons are accumulated into storage rings and decay to neutrinos. However, due to the fact that the muon beam is produced occupying a large transverse phase-space, it is essential that its emittance is decreased using ionisation cooling. The reference ionisation cooling lattice of the Neutrino Factory has a large magnetic field at the position of the RF cavities, and there is a strong concern this can lead to RF breakdown. Therefore, there lies a great necessity for alternative cooling lattices to be found. This thesis presents several cooling lattices that were designed aiming to mitigate the problem of the RF breakdown in the presence of a magnetic field, that the reference lattice suffers from. In particular, amongst these lattices, a promising new configuration which makes use of a pair of opposite polarity and homocentric coils, named “Bucked Coils”, is presented. The Bucked Coils lattice not only manages to successfully achieve a virtually zero longitudinal magnetic field at the position of the RF cavities, but also obtains a better transmission than the reference lattice. A detailed comparison between the reference and the new lattices is presented with respect to the magnetic field, transmission and cooling efficiency. A possible extension of the work is also discussed. A six-dimensional cooling could be used at a Neutrino Factory but is essential for a Muon Collider. Another novel configuration, which aims to achieve 6D ionisation cooling, is presented in this thesis. This new lattice creates dispersion with the use of dipoles, and a correlation between energy loss and position with the use of wedge absorbers. A detailed description of this lattice configuration and analysis is given, together with preliminary results

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