Kuwait Special Educators Program


The United States has long been recognized as a world leader in responding to the developmental needs of individuals with mental retar­dation (Rowitz, 1989). Particular strengths exist in the educational arena, both in traditional settings as well as in the vocational area (Glidden & Zetlin, 1992; Clark & Kolstoe, 1990; Wehmen, 1990; Schlack, McGaughey, & Kiernan, 1989). Because of these strengths, an increasing number of inter­national groups are seeking training opportunities to study these practices. In July 1992, the Cultural Attache at the Embassy of Kuwait in Washington, D.C. issued a request for proposals directed at special education practices in the United States. At the University of Hartford, the Division of Univer­sity Programs and Conferences responds to international initiatives of this type, usually in collaboration with the Office of International Studies and one or more of the nine schools and colleges that comprise the university. In this instance, a proposal was developed and submitted in collaboration with the School of Education. The Embassy accepted the proposal. What follows is a description of the program with a focus on curriculum and administrative supports. Issues of replicability along with a discussion of the unique challenges of working with this particular clientele will also be addressed

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