Data for: Effect of Al, Ti and C additions on Widmanstätten microstructure and mechanical properties of cast Al0.6CoCrFeNi compositionally complex alloys.


The XRD data present in this paper are 2θ versus intensity data obtained from our diffractometer for all investigated alloys. The XRD data are provided in attached Excel files and a summary of the plotted diffraction patterns is shown in Fig. A1 of supplementary material. The calculated lattice parameters together with their standard deviation for each detected phase are listed in Table 1 for all studied alloys. BSE micrographs taken at different magnifications are presented to document the effect of microalloying on microstructure. For all CCAs, five BSE micrographs are provided, one low magnification image with a remnant indent spanning all phases present in the alloy and four other high magnification micrographs. From some of these BSE images, the microstructural parameters, i.e. mean prior grain size d and average thickness of FCC plates λ listed in Table 2, were determined. The overall chemical composition averaged over all phases present in the studied CCAs were determined in an external laboratory and are listed for some alloys in Table 3. In addition, the local chemical composition of the phases measured at three different locations in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) for the Ti3C0.25 CCA are given in Table 4. The mean volume fraction of the FCC phase provided in Table 2 were determined from a mass balance, see section B of supplementary material. The raw tensile results data obtained at different temperatures are provided in the attached Excel files

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