Development of innovative products as a tool to revitalize the sheep breeding sector


Ovčarstvo je grana stočarstva koja u Republici Hrvatskoj postupno povećava svoj opseg i sa sobom donosi značajne i vrijedne nusproizvode koji su dakako iskoristivi, a jedan od takvih je i ovčja vuna. Naslov “Razvoj inovativnih proizvoda kao instrument revitalizacije ovčarstva” jasno ukazuje na činjenicu kako mjesta za inovativnost u poljoprivredi svakako ima. Srž rada je poslovni plan otkupa i prerade ovčje vune u toplinsku izolaciju kojim se rješava značajan ekološki problem, a s druge strane stimulira poljoprivredna proizvodnja. Vuna je sirovina koja se odlikuje brojnim pozitivnim svojstvima te širokom paletom proizvoda koji se od nje mogu dobiti.Prikazan je potpuno razvijeni poslovni plan u kojem se jasno definira misija i vizija poslovanja, detaljan opis tehnološkog procesa te marketinški i financijski plan. Neizostavan je dio i SWOT analiza gdje su prikazane snage i slabosti poduzetničkog projekta. Prikazane su projekcije za prvih pet godina poslovanja uključujući i analizu osjetljivosti koje potvrđuju kako je projekt isplativ.Sheep farming is a branch of cattle breeding which gradually increases its size in the Republic of Croatia and brings with it significant and valuable by-products that are of course utilized, and one of these is sheep's wool. The title "Development of innovative products as a tool to revitalize the sheep breeding sector" clearly points to the fact that the places for innovation in agriculture certainly have. The core of business is the business plan for the purchase and processing of sheep wool in thermal insulation, which solves a significant environmental problem, while on the other hand stimulates agricultural production. Wool is a raw material that has many positive properties and a wide range of products that can be obtained from it.A fully developed business plan clearly defines the mission and vision of the business, a detailed description of the technological process and the marketing and financial plan. It is an indispensable part of SWOT analysis where the strengths and weaknesses of the entrepreneurial project are presented. Projections for the first five years of operations are included, including sensitivity analysis that confirms the project is profitable

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