Magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis of rheumatic diseases


Reumatska mišićnokoštana stanja prepoznata su kao važan svjetski medicinski, društveni i gospodarski problem. Rana dijagnoza i pravilno liječenje jako su važni za boljitak bolesnika. Magnetska rezonancija (MR) osjetljiva je pretraga koja izvrsno pokazuje detalje u mišićnokoštanom sustavu. Na tom području zauzima vodeće mjesto u usporedbi s rentgenom (RTG), računalnom tomografijom (CT), ultrazvukom (UZ) i scintigrafijom. Vrlo je vrijedna za rano otkrivanje i praćenje napredovanja bolesti te učinka liječenja. Prednosti MR su: nema štetnog zračenja, trodimenzionalni prikaz ciljnog područja i izvrstan prikaz detalja u mekim tkivima. Nedostatci su: slabija dostupnost, visoka cijena, slabiji prikaz detalja koštanih struktura i trajanje pregleda.Rheumatic musculoskeletal conditions have been recognized as an important global medical, social, and economic problem. Early diagnosis and proper treatment are very important for patient's health. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a sensitive diagnostic method showing excellent visibility of detail in the musculoskeletal system. It is the number one diagnostic method compared to X-ray (XR), computed tomography (CT), ultrasound (US), and scintigraphy. MRI is very valuable in early detection, monitoring of disease progression and therapeutic effect. The MRI advantages include: no harmful radiation, three-dimensional view of the target area, and excellent visibility of detail in soft tissues. Disadvantages include: low availability, high price, lower level of detail in bone structures, and the length of the procedure

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