The Official List of the Birds of Nebraska


The Official List of the Birds of Nebraska was last published in 1988 (NOU Records Committee 1988). That list included 406 species whose occurrence in Nebraska had been documented to the satisfaction of the NOU Records Committee at that time, following the sequence and nomenclature as outlined by the American ornithologists\u27 Union (1983, 1985, 1987). The present list includes 427 species based on all changes to the Official List of the Birds of Nebraska as determined by the NOU Records Committee (Mollhoff 1989; Grenon 1990,1991; Gubanyi 1996a, 1996b, 1997; Brogie 1997), as well as sequence and taxonomic changes made by the American ornithologists\u27 union (1989, 1991, 1993, 1995). Additionally, the list reflects changes in frequency of occurrence as determined by the NOU Records Committee, which reviewed records of bird occurrences in Nebraska for 1987-1996. Frequency of occurrence is indicated by the following terms (NOU Records Committee 1988): Regular - acceptably reported in 9-10 of the past 10 years Casual - acceptably reported in 4-7 of the past 10 years Accidental - acceptably reported in 0-2 of the past 10 years Extirpated - not acceptably reported in the past 50 years Extinct - no longer found alive anywhere in the world The frequency of occurrence for any species that was acceptably reported in 3 or 8 of the last 10 years was discussed by the committee and placed in a category felt most appropriate by the committee. The NOU Records Committee seeks documentation for all species of less than regular occurrence in Nebraska as well as for those species whose occurrence has not been documented in Nebraska. Documentations currently may be sent to Mark Brogie, Records committee Chair, 508 Seeley, Box 316, Creighton, NE 68729

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