Implenting a game for learning programing concepts made in Unreal engine 4


Ovaj rad objašnjava razlog kreiranja CodeBreaker igre, te na koji način ona pomaže u učenju osnovnih koncepata programiranja. Uspoređuju se prednosti i mane između klasičnog pisanja koda i vizualnog programiranja, te se prikazuju razlozi odabira klasičnog pisanja koda za igru. Ostatak rada se fokusira na implementaciju same igre, pogotovo na implementaciju koda. U to spadaju Lexer, Parser, semantička analiza te samo pokretanje koda. Nakon toga se pokazuje na kako kod utječe igrin svijet, te kako rade ostali sustavi unutar igre.This paper explains the reason behind the creation of the CodeBreaker game, and how it can help in learning basic programming concepts. It also compares advantages and disadvantages between classic written code and visual scripting, and explains why the classic written code was chosen for the game. The rest of the paper focuses on the implementation of the game, especially on the code implementation. This contains Lexer, Parser, Semantic analysis and the actual code running. After that it explains how the code can affect the game world, as well as explaining the rest of the game systems

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