Notes [September 1980]


DESOTO NWR RECORDS. First recorded observations of six species of birds were made at DeSoto NWR in 1979: 1. Snowy Egret. Seen 10 May in the old Missouri River channel marsh in Harrison Co., Iowa (about 300 yards from the Iowa-Nebraska boundary line). Observer, D. Menke. 2. Hungarian Partridge. Small flock seen 20 and 28 January in the fields near the Refuge\u27s west boundary in Harrison Co., Iowa. Observer, D. Knauer. 3. Worm-eating Warbler. Seen 28 May on the Cottonwood Nature Trail (heavily wooded area) in Washington Co., Nebraska. Observer, D. Menke. 4. Northern Parula. Seen 22 April on the Cottonwood Nature Trail (woods/brushy area) in Washington Co., Nebraska. Observer, Omaha Audubon Society. 5. Manolia Warbler. Seen 12 and 13 May on Cottonwood Nature Trail (heavily wooded area) in Washington Co., Nebraska. Observer, D. Menke. 6. Hooded Warbler. Seen 22 April on Cotton Nature Trail (brushy areal small trees) in Washington Co., Nebraska. Observer, Omaha Audubon Society. —David W. Menke, DeSoto NWR, RR 1, Box 114, Missouri Valley, Iowa 5155

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