Effect of Stocking Rate on Animal Performance and Diet Quality While Grazing Cornstalks


Four treatments were used to evaluate levels of corn residue removal on nutrient quality and cattle performance over time. Treatments included no removal of residue, stocking rates of one or two animal unit months/acre (AUM/acre), or baling. Residue samples were taken before and after grazing from all treatment paddocks to determine residue amounts, and were analyzed for OM, CP, NDF, and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD). Cattle weights and BCS scores were recorded prior to and at the conclusion of the trial. Cattle consumed husk and leaf material first, followed by cobs at a lesser rate. Husk and leaf material had greater digestibility and CP than stem or cob material. A decrease in cattle performance was observed in the 2 AUM/acre treatment group

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