Evolução da dieta no pós-operatório de cirurgias bariátricas: revisão integrativa da literatura


More and more people are using bariatric surgery for weight loss and improvement of comorbidities associated with overweight, the most common Roux-en-Y gastric bypass technique (Fobi-Capella), this surgical technique is currently considered standard gold. The weight loss of these patients is guaranteed by low food intake due to decreased gastric capacity and also by malabsorption of nutrients. Objective: This study aims to verify the different types of dietary conducts in the OP applied in different places and their aspects more relevant to the behavior of the nutritionist. Methods: Survey of literary articles, search in the Latin American and Caribbean databases on Health Sciences (LILACS), Medline, Ibecs, Sec. Est. Saúde P, Scielo and Google Scholar. Being used for the search of the articles the descriptors bariatric surgery and postoperative diet and their combinations in the Portuguese and English languages. Results: The authors emphasize the need to start the postoperative diet through the liquid diet, in small amounts and progress until reaching the general diet, however, they differ as to the time in days for the evolution of the consistency of the diets. Conclusion: Despite the similarity of the conduct, further studies are needed to establish a standardized protocol on diet after bariatric surgery in order to guide health professionals and to avoid that nutrient and micronutrient deficits continue to occur in these patients.Cada vez mais as pessoas estão recorrendo à cirurgia bariátrica para a perda ponderal e melhora das comorbidades associadas ao excesso de peso, sendo a técnica mais comum bypass gástrico em Y de Roux (Fobi-Capella), esta técnica cirúrgica atualmente é considerada padrão ouro. A perda de peso desses pacientes é garantida pela baixa ingestão alimentar devido à diminuição da capacidade gástrica e também pela má absorção dos nutrientes. Objetivo: Esse trabalho tem como objetivo verificar os diferentes tipos de condutas dietéticas no PO aplicadas em diferentes locais e seus aspectos mais relevantes para a conduta do nutricionista. Métodos: Levantamento dos artigos literários, busca nas bases de dados Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Medline, Ibecs, Sec. Est. Saúde P, Scielo e Google Acadêmico.  Sendo utilizados para a busca dos artigos os descritores cirurgia bariátrica e dieta pós-operatória e suas combinações nas línguas portuguesa e inglesa. Resultados: Os autores ressaltam a necessidade de começar a dieta pós-operatória pela dieta líquida, em pequenas quantidades e progredir até chegar à dieta geral, no entanto, divergem quanto ao tempo em dias para evolução da consistência das dietas. Conclusão: Apesar das condutas apresentarem semelhanças ainda são necessários mais estudos para a realização de um protocolo padronizado sobre alimentação pós-cirurgia bariátrica com o objetivo de nortear os profissionais de saúde e evitar que continuem ocorrendo déficits de nutrientes e micronutrientes nesses pacientes. ABSTRACTEvolution of the diet in the pos-operatory of bariatric surgeries: integrating review of the literature More and more people are using bariatric surgery for weight loss and improvement of comorbidities associated with overweight, the most common Roux-en-Y gastric bypass technique (Fobi-Capella), this surgical technique is currently considered standard gold. The weight loss of these patients is guaranteed by low food intake due to decreased gastric capacity and also by malabsorption of nutrients. Objective: This study aims to verify the different types of dietary conducts in the OP applied in different places and their aspects more relevant to the behavior of the nutritionist. Methods: Survey of literary articles, search in the Latin American and Caribbean databases on Health Sciences (LILACS), Medline, Ibecs, Sec. Est. Saúde P, Scielo and Google Scholar. Being used for the search of the articles the descriptors bariatric surgery and postoperative diet and their combinations in the Portuguese and English languages. Results: The authors emphasize the need to start the postoperative diet through the liquid diet, in small amounts and progress until reaching the general diet, however, they differ as to the time in days for the evolution of the consistency of the diets. Conclusion: Despite the similarity of the conduct, further studies are needed to establish a standardized protocol on diet after bariatric surgery in order to guide health professionals and to avoid that nutrient and micronutrient deficits continue to occur in these patients

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