The Relationship between Social Anxiety and Conforming behavior in a computerized task


This study assessed the relationship between social anxiety symptoms and conforming behavior in both ambiguous and unambiguous computerized context. The majority of the participants for the sample consisted of Caucasian (78%) females (71%) who completed the task entirely (N = 94). Measures of the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) were used to assess social anxiety, while a computer mediated problem-solving task was used to assess conforming behavior. It was hypothesized that conforming behavior would be greater in the ambiguous context compared to the unambiguous context; and that social anxiety scores would be correlated with higher conforming behavior. While a Wilcoxon analysis concluded that higher conforming behavior was observed in the ambiguous than the unambiguous context (p \u3c .001), there was no significant correlation between social anxiety scores and conforming behavior observed. Results, clinical implications, and directions for future research are discussed

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