Hollins Student Life (1935 Dec 5)


Table of Contents: Junior Class Will Sponsor Dansant [i.e. Dance] and Formal Saturday: Dan Gregory’s Orchestra to Play for Dance Set—Freshman Class Elects Officers for the Year—Bairnsfather Presents Lecture in Roanoke—José Iturbi, Noted Pianist, Will Play in Roanoke: First Artist to Appear This Season—First Issue of “Cargoes” Shows Literary Ability—International Relations Club Presents Mr. Lane: Discussion Centers on War Munitions—New Bulletin Board System is to go Into Effect Soon—Jackson and Thompkins Receive Dramatic Award—Hollins Student Life Staff—Student Forum—Lane Speaks Here on “Women in Chemistry”—Society—Mary Anne Nettleton Makes Alumnae Survey—New Books are Presented to the Hollins Library—Odds Defeat Evens, 3-1, in Their Annual Battle—Sport Slants—Annual Banquet Ends Hollins Hockey Season—Lib Williams Wins First Place in Swimming Meet—Y.W. Gives Baskets to Needy Near Here—Campus Crumbs—Reporter Interviews Bruce Bairnsfather—Future Duses Discovered in First Fall Play—Society—Music Noteshttps://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/newspapers/1094/thumbnail.jp

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